Joanie's Place

My little corner of the world to show off my handicrafts-my knitting, cross stitch, crocheting, needlepoint and any other craft I enjoy.

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Location: Corning, New York, United States

Sunday, October 01, 2006

It's October!!!!

what's been going on?

I've been working on a shawl..with handpainted Forest Canopy. It is coming out so pretty. The colorway is gorgeous...purples, blues and lavendars.. I'm about 1/3 of the way done already. Can't seem to memorize the pattern, but it is only 8 rows and 4 of those are totally purl rows.

I've also been stitching on my Christmas Mystery from Chatalaine. With all the money I have invested in this one, it will definitely be finished. Lots of silks and specialty threads. I could have done it with DMC threads, but I wanted to do a special picture. I have been enjoying it, but there are some specialty stitches in it that have me puzzled.

I've worked some on my canvas work, but with working too, I don't have a lot of spare time.

Tomorrow night is my SnB at my lys. There are only 5 0r 6 that come, all younger than me, but I persevere (sp?) One thing they do is sit in chairs around a small table and there is no place to put patterns, drinks, etc. I might ask if we can switch to the table that they do have available.

This weekend has been very low key. Raining again off and on, so the roofer has not been able to get back. We are now having some problems with our septic system. It either needs to be pumped or we have a blockage somewhere. My better half will be checking that out today.

Friday was our 33rd anniversary. Didn't do anything special, all our money has been going into stuff around here lately.

Well, that's all for now. Will "talk" in a few days.


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