Joanie's Place

My little corner of the world to show off my handicrafts-my knitting, cross stitch, crocheting, needlepoint and any other craft I enjoy.

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Location: Corning, New York, United States

Monday, September 18, 2006

Monday again!!!

The weekend went so fast! The roofer was here on Saturday and Sunday and got a good start on the tearing off and replacement of the roof. He had to leave it open on Saturday night, and I was a nervous wreck. I was so afraid it was going to rain. But, the Gods were with us, it was a beautiful cool night and Sunday was a gorgeous day. He is back today to continue on.

I spend a lot of the weekend working on my canvas project. I love working on canvas. Not really sure why, but I got several hours on it. Not much to show, but I still have not figured out the picture thing. Going to check it out more on the next free evening I have.

I knitted on my dishcloth, finished the first one, and then discovered I had made a mistake that shows up like a sore thumb. Why is it always after I have bound off that I discover them. Anyway, left it alone and will use that one myself. Have next one on the needles now.

Tonight is S n B night at my local yarn shop....going to be exploring yarn for a shawl that I purchased the pattern for. It is called Forest Canopy Shoulder Shawl. I'm going to make it a little larger than called for. Have no idea what I am going to knit it in.... Last week I went with every intention of getting yarn for a sweater, but they didn't have what I needed..either color or quantity. I hate to order yarn and wait for it. I like instant gratification.

Well enough for now...will report what I have ended up with if anything.



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